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TweenJS overhaul:

Using relative values with the Tween class

ID: FN1504002 Technique: HTML5 and JavaScript Library: TweenJS overhaul

TweenJS 0.6.0のTweenクラスのメソッドでは、相対値でトゥイーンすることはできません。けれど、相対値を使うためのプラグインが、テスト用にCreateJSのGitHubにアップロードされました。

Relative values for tween cannot be used with the methods of the current Tween class in TweenJS 0.6.0. But a plug-in to use relative values was uploaded to the GitHub of the CreateJS for testing.

01 RelativePluginプラグイン
The RelativePlugin plug-in


The plug-in is named the "RelativePlugin" which deals with relative values with the Tween class. It is currently being developed in an "overhaul" branch of the TweenJS in the CreateJS of the GitHub. And the NEXT version of the TweenJS library in the branch also need to use with the plug-in (Figure 001).

図001■overhaul branchのRelativePlugin.jsとtweenjs-NEXT.js

Figure 001•RelativePlugin.js and tweenjs-NEXT.js in the overhaul branch


In order to try the plug-in, two JavaScript files, RelativePlugin.js and tweenjs-NEXT.min.js should be stored in an appropriate folder for libraries and be used them.

02 TweenJS 0.6.0で絶対値を使ったトゥイーンの例
A tween example using absolute values with the TweenJS 0.6.0

つぎのサンプル001は、TweenJS 0.6.0で絶対値を使ったトゥイーンの例です。これを後で、RelativePluginを使った場合と比べてみます。青い星をクリックすると、回転のトゥイーンが始まります(図002)。

The example 001 below is used absolute vaules with the TweenJS 0.6.0 for comparing to one using the RelativePlugin. Clicki on the blue star, and tween of its rotation will be started (Figure 002).

Example 001•Rotating an object to absolute angle calculated from its current angle

Figure 002•Clicking the blue star will start tween of its rotation


The JavaScript code of the Example 001 is listed later as the Code 001. The extracted code below is the function to set tween, which is a listener of the click event to the instance. The current Tween.to() method accept only absolute values. So, an absolute angle to rotate is culcrated from the current angle of the instance (line 15 and 17).

  1. function setTween(eventObject) {
  2.   var instance = eventObject.target;
  3.   var myRotation = instance.rotation;
  4.   createjs.Tween.get(instance, {override:true})
  5.   .to({rotation: myRotation + 180}, 3000, createjs.Ease.bounceOut);
  6. }


The clicked instance will rotate to an absolute angle that is its current angle plus 180 degree with tween.

Code 001•Rotating an object to absolute angle calculated from its current angle
  1. var stage;
  2. function initialize(){
  3.   var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  4.   stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
  5.   var centerX = canvas.width / 2;
  6.   var centerY = canvas.height / 2;
  7.   var myShape = createStar(centerX, centerY, "blue", 70);
  8.   myShape.addEventListener("click", setTween);
  9.   stage.addChild(myShape);
  10.   createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);
  11.   stage.update();
  12. }
  13. function setTween(eventObject) {
  14.   var instance = eventObject.target;
  15.   var myRotation = instance.rotation;
  16.   createjs.Tween.get(instance, {override:true})
  17.   .to({rotation: myRotation + 180}, 3000, createjs.Ease.bounceOut);
  18. }
  19. function createStar(x, y, color, radius) {
  20.   var myShape = new createjs.Shape();
  21.   myShape.graphics
  22.   .beginFill(color)
  23.   .drawPolyStar(0, 0, radius, 5, 0.6, -90);
  24.   myShape.x = x;
  25.   myShape.y = y;
  26.   myShape.radius = radius;
  27.   return myShape;
  28. }
  29. window.onload = initialize;

03 RelativePluginで絶対値を使ったトゥイーンの例
A tween example using absolute values with the RelativePlugin


Two JavaScript files downloaded from an "overhaul" branch of the TweenJS in the CreateJS of the GitHub should be loaded with the script element to use the RelativePlugin.

<!--<script src="http://code.createjs.com/tweenjs-0.6.0.min.js"></script>-->
<script src="lib/tweenjs-NEXT.min.js"></script>
<script src="lib/RelativePlugin.js"></script>


The static method RelativePlugin.install() allows the methods of the Tween class to deal relative values. A relative value should be written as string along with eather plus (+) or minus (-) sign.


The code 001 above would be reivsed as the extracted code below, of which line numbers are based on the code 002 shown later.

  1. function initialize(){
  1.   createjs.RelativePlugin.install();
  1. }
  2. function setTween(eventObject) {
  3.   var instance = eventObject.target;
      // var myRotation = instance.rotation;
  4.   createjs.Tween.get(instance, {override:true})
      // .to({rotation: myRotation + 180}, 3000, createjs.Ease.bounceOut);
  5.   .to({rotation: "+180"}, 3000, createjs.Ease.bounceOut);
  6. }


The function (setTween()) to set tween no longer gets the current angle of the instance because the Tween.to() method can now deal relative values (line 17). Example 002 below is uploaded to the jsdo.it for reviewing and testing.

Code 002•Rotating an object to relative angle from its current angle
  1. var stage;
  2. function initialize(){
  3.   var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
  4.   stage = new createjs.Stage(canvas);
  5.   var centerX = canvas.width / 2;
  6.   var centerY = canvas.height / 2;
  7.   var myShape = createStar(centerX, centerY, "blue", 70);
  8.   createjs.RelativePlugin.install();
  9.   myShape.addEventListener("click", setTween);
  10.   stage.addChild(myShape);
  11.   createjs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", stage);
  12.   stage.update();
  13. }
  14. function setTween(eventObject) {
  15.   var instance = eventObject.target;
  16.   createjs.Tween.get(instance, {override:true})
  17.   .to({rotation: "+180"}, 3000, createjs.Ease.bounceOut);
  18. }
  19. function createStar(x, y, color, radius) {
  20.   var myShape = new createjs.Shape();
  21.   myShape.graphics
  22.   .beginFill(color)
  23.   .drawPolyStar(0, 0, radius, 5, 0.6, -90);
  24.   myShape.x = x;
  25.   myShape.y = y;
  26.   myShape.radius = radius;
  27.   return myShape;
  28. }

Example 002•Rotating an object to relative angle from its current angle

作成者: 野中文雄
作成日: 2015年4月27日

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